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The principle of distributive justice, once introduced, would not be fulfilled until the whole of society was organized in accordance with it. This would produce a kind of society which in all essential respects would be the opposite of a free society - a society in which authority decides what the individual was to do and how he was to do it.
Hayek, Friedrich A.
The Constitution of Liberty
1960 , p. 100



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Catallaxy ® Institute - c/o GFI Treuhand, via Maistra 7, 7500 St. Moritz (CH) - © 2009-2012

"A catallaxy is thus the special kind of spontaneous order produced by the market through people acting within the rules of the law of property, tort and contract".F. A. von Hayek, Law Legislation and Liberty (London, 1982), Vol. 2 (1976), pp. 108-109.