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As society and its complexity extend, the rewards a man can hope to earn come to depend more and more, not on the skill and capacity he may possess, but on their being put to the right use; and both the difficulty of discovering the best employment for one's capacities and the discrepancy between the rewards of men possessing the same technical skill or special ability will increase.
Hayek, Friedrich A.
The Constitution of Liberty
1960 , p. 80


About Catallaxy Institute

Founded on March 2009 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, Catallaxy Institute is an international association whose long-term aim is to contribute to develop and divulgate the principles and values of the classical tradition of liberalism.

A reason why St. Moritz was chosen as the founding location is that three of the most influential works of classical liberalism of the last century (F.A. Hayek’s The Constitution of Liberty; M. Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom and B. Leoni’s Freedom and the Law) are the result of lectures and discussions that Hayek, Friedman and Leoni, among others, had in 1957 in St. Moritz during a series of meetings organized by the Mont Pelerin Society (Kemp, A., introducing Leoni, B., 1991, Freedom and the Law (Liberty Fund, Indianapolis), p. xiii).

Catallaxy Institute is regulated by its Statute.

Catallaxy Institute's founding members are Giovanni Birindelli (president), Alexander Wulf (vice president), Juan Diego Serrano and Oleksiy Kurka

Catallaxy ® Institute - c/o GFI Treuhand, via Maistra 7, 7500 St. Moritz (CH) - © 2009-2012

"A catallaxy is thus the special kind of spontaneous order produced by the market through people acting within the rules of the law of property, tort and contract".F. A. von Hayek, Law Legislation and Liberty (London, 1982), Vol. 2 (1976), pp. 108-109.